ICOM International Conference on Outcomes Measurement Program
Bethesda, Maryland - September 11-13, 2008
Thursday, September 11, 2008
Welcome and Opening Remarks: Thomas F. Hilton, Program Official at National Institute on Drug Abuse (NIDA), ICOM Host
Plenary Session 1
a. John Ware: 'Advances in Health Measurement Models and Data Collection Technologies: Implications for Standardizing Metrics & Making Assessment Tools More Practical.'
b. Michael Dennis: 'Measurement Challenges in Substance Use and Dependency.'
c. A. Jackson Stenner: 'Substantive Theory, General Objectivity and an Individual Centered Psychometrics.'
1A.1: IRT/Rasch in the Assessment of Change
Chair: Rita Bode
Discussant: Karon Cook
a. Julie Carvalho: 'Value Choices as Indicators of Healthy Changes.'
b. Ken Conrad: 'Measuring Change on the GAIN Substance Problems Scale Using a Rasch Ruler.'
c. Donald Hedeker: 'Application of Item Response Theory Models for Intense Longitudinal Data on Smoking.'
1A.2: Theory and Importance of IRT/Rasch
Chair: A. Jackson Stenner
Discussant: David Andrich
a. Robert Massof: 'A Physical Metaphor for Explaining the Mechanics of Rasch and IRT Models.'
b. Ann Doucette: 'The Role of Measurement in Evaluating the Effectiveness of Psychotherapy Outcomes.'
1A.3: Mental Health and Differential Item Functioning
Chair: Benjamin Brodey
Discussant: Paul Pilkonis
a. Lohrasb Ahmadian, Robert Massof: 'Validity of Depression Measurement in Visually Impaired People - Investigating Differential Item Functioning by Chronic Diseases.'
b. Neusa Rocha, Marcelo Fleck, Mick Power, Donald Bushnell: 'Cross-cultural evaluation of the WHOQOL-Bref domains in primary care depressed patients using Rasch Analysis.'
c. Heidi Crane, Laura E. Gibbons, Mari Kitahata, Paul K. Crane: 'The PHQ-9 depression scale - Psychometric characteristics and differential item functioning (DIF) impact among HIV-infected individuals.'
1A.4: CAT Demonstration
Barth Riley: 'Application of computerized adaptive testing in clinical substance abuse practice: Issues and strategies.'
1A.5: Demonstration
LaVerne Hanes-Stevens: Teaching Clinicians How to Relate Measurement Models to Clinical Practice: An example using the Global Appraisal of Individual Needs (GAIN).
a. Mark Wilson: 'Latent Growth Item Response Models.'
b. Ronald Hambleton: 'A Personal History of Computer-Adaptive Testing - Short Version.'
1B.1: Health-related Quality of Life
Chair: Alan Tennant
Discussants: David Cella and John Ware
a. David Feeny, Suzanne Mitchell, Bentson McFarland: 'What are the key domains of health-related quality of life for methamphetamine users? Preliminary results using the Multi-Attribute System for Methamphetamine Use (MAS-MA) Questionnaire.'
b. Francisco Luis Pimentel, Jose Carlos Lopes: 'HRQOL Instrument Construction Using Rasch Model.'
c. I-Chan Huang, Caprice A. Knapp, Dennis Revicki, Elizabeth A. Shenkman: 'Differential item functioning in pediatric quality of life between children with and without special health care needs.'
1B.2: Measurement of Substance Use Disorders - I
Chair: Brian Rush
Discussant: A. Thomas McLellan
a. Maria Orlando Edelen, Andrew Morral, Daniel McCaffrey: 'Creating an IRT-based adolescent substance use outcome measure.'
b. Betsy Feldman, Katherine E. Masyn: 'Measuring and Modeling Adolescent Alcohol Use - A Simulation Study.'
1B.3: Demonstration
David Andrich: 'Interactive data analysis using the Rasch Unidimensional Measurement Model - RUMM - Windows Software.'
1B.4: Demonstration
Christine Fox, Svetlana Beltyukova: 'Constructing Linear Measures from Ordinal Data - An Example from Psychotherapy Research.'
1C.1: Assessing Physical Impairment and Differential Item Functioning
Chair: Barth Riley
Discussant: Svetlana Beltyukova
a. Gabrielle van der Velde, Dorcas E. Beaton, Sheilah Hogg-Johnson, Eric Hurwitz, Alan Tennant: 'Rasch Analysis of the Neck Disability Index.'
b. Sara Mottram, Elaine Thomas, George Peat: 'Measuring locomotor disability in later life - do we need gender-specific scores?'
c. Kenneth Tang, Dorcas Beaton, Monique Gignac, Diane Lacaille, Elizabeth Badley, Aslam Anis, Claire Bombardier: 'The Work Instability Scale for Rheumatoid Arthritis - Evaluation of Differential Item Functioning in workers with Osteoarthritis and Rheumatoid Arthritis using Rasch Analysis.'
1C.2: Applications of the Global Appraisal of Individual Need (GAIN)
Chair: Michael Dennis
Discussant: LaVerne Hanes-Stevens
a. Sean Hosman, Sarah Kime: 'Using the GAIN-SS in an online format for screening, brief intervention and referral to treatment in King County.'
b. Richard Lennox, Michael Dennis, Mark Godley, Dave Sharar: 'Behavioral Health Risk Assessment - Predicting Absenteeism and Workman's Compensation Claims with the Gain Short Screener.'
1C.3: Item Functioning and Validation Issues
Chair: Allen Heinemann
Discussant: Bryce Reeve
a. Benjamin Brodey, R.J. Wirth, D. Downing, J. Koble: 'DIF analysis between publicly - and privately-funded persons receiving mental health treatment.'
b. Pey-Shan Wen, Craig A. Velozo, Shelley Heaton, Kay Waid-Ebbs, Neila Donovan: 'Comparison of Patient, Caregiver and Health Professional Rating of a Functional Cognitive Measure.'
c. Mounir Mesbah: 'A Empirical Curve to Check Unidimensionality and Local dependence of items.'
1C.4: Methodological Issues in Measurement Validation
Chair: Tulshi Saha
Discussant: Susan Embretson
a. Richard Sawatzky, Jacek A. Kopec: 'Examining Sample Heterogeneity with Respect to the Measurement of Health Outcomes Relevant to Adults with Arthritis.'
b. Craig Velozo, Linda J. Young, Jia-Hwa Wang: 'Developing Healthcare Measures - Monte Carlo Simulations to Determine Sample Size Requirements.'
c. Leigh Harrell, Edward W. Wolfe: 'Effect of Correlation Between Dimensions on Model Recovery using AIC.'
1C.5: Questions and Answers for Those New to IRT/Rasch
Wine & Cheese Reception, and Poster Session
a. Katherine Bevans, Christopher Forrest: 'Polytomous IRT analysis and item reduction of a child-reported wellbeing scale.'
b. Shu-Pi Chen. Bezruczko, N., Maher, J. M., Lawton, C. S., & Gulley, B. S.: 'Functional Caregiving Item hierarchy Statistically Invariant across Preschoolers.'
c. Michael A. Kallen, DerShung Yang: 'When increasing the number of quadrature points in parameter and score estimation no longer increases accuracy.'
d. Ian Kudel, Michael Edwards, Joel Tsevat: 'Using the Nominal Model to Correct for Violations of Local Independence.'
e. Lisa M. Martin, Lori E. Stone, Linda L. Henry, Scott D. Barnett, Sharon L. Hunt, Eder L. Lemus, Niv Ad: 'Resistance to Computerized Adaptive Testing (CAT) in Cardiac Surgery Patients.'
f. Michael T. McGill, Edward W. Wolfe: 'Assessing Unidimensionality in Item Response Data via Principal Component Analysis of Residuals from the Rasch Model.'
g. Mesfin Mulatu: 'Internal Mental Distress among Adolescents Entering Substance Abuse Treatment - Examining Measurement Equivalence across Racial/Ethnic and Gender Groups.'
Friday, September 12, 2008
Plenary Session 2
a. David Cella: 'Patient-Reported Outcomes Measurement Information System (PROMIS) Objectives and Progress Report.'
b. Expert Panel on PROMIS Methods and Results, including Karon Cook, Paul Pilkonis, and David Cella.
c. Robert Gibbons: 'CAT Testing for Mood Disorder Screening.'
2A.1: Applications of Person Fit Statistics
Chair/Discussant: A. Jackson Stenner
a. Augustin Tristan, Claudia Ariza, María Mercedes Duràn: 'Use of the Rasch model on cardiovascular post- surgery patients and nursing treatment.'
b. Ken Conrad: 'Identifying Atypicals At Risk for Suicide Using Rasch Fit Statistics.'
c. Ya-Fen Chan, Barth Riley, Karen Conrad, Ken Conrad, Michael Dennis: 'Crime, Violence and IRT/Rasch Measurement.'
2A.2: Applications of Computerized Adaptive Testing - I
Chair/Discussant: Barth Riley
a. Milena Anatchkova, Matthias Rose, Chris Dewey, Catherine Sherbourne, John Williams: 'A Mental Health Computerized Adaptive Test (MH-CAT) for Community Use.'
b. Ying Cheng: 'When CAT meets CD - Computerized adaptive testing for cognitive diagnosis.'
c. Neila Donovan, Craig A. Velozo, Pey-Shan Wen, Shelley C. Heaton, Kay Waid-Ebbs: 'Item Level Psychometric Properties of the Social Communication Construct Developed for a Computer Adaptive Measure of Functional Cognition for Traumatic Brain Injury.'
2A.3: Applications of IRT/Rasch in Mental Health
Chair: Michael Fendrich
Discussant: David Thissen
a. Susan Faye Balaban, Aline Sayer, Sally I. Powers: 'Refining the Measurement of Post Traumatic Stress Disorder Symptoms - An Application of Item Response Theory.'
b. Dennis Hart, Mark W. Werneke, Steven Z. George, James W. Matheson, Ying-Chih Wang, Karon F. Cook, Jerome E. Mioduski, Seung W. Choi: 'Single items of fear-avoidance beliefs scales for work and physical activities accurately identified patients with high fear.'
c. Monica Erbacher, Karen M. Schmidt, Cindy Bergeman, Steven M. Boker: 'Partial Credit Model Analysis of the Positive and Negative Affect Schedule with Additional Items.'
2A.4: Assessing Education of Clinicians
Chair: Craig Velozo
Discussant: Mark Wilson
a. Erick Guerrero: 'Measuring Organizational Cultural Competence in Substance Abuse Treatment.'
b. Ron Claus: 'Using Rasch Modeling to Develop a Measure of 12-Step Counseling Practices.'
c. Jean-Guy Blais, Carole Lambert, Bernard Charlin, Julie Grondin, Robert Gagnon: 'Scoring the Concordance of Script Test using a two-steps Rasch Partial Credit Modeling.'
d. Megan Dalton, Jenny Keating, Megan Davidson, Natalie de Morten: 'Development of the Assessment of Physiotherapy Practice (APP) instrument - investigation of the psychometric properties using Rasch analysis.'
2A.5: CAT Demonstration
a. Otto Walter: 'Transitioning from fixed-questionnaires to computer-adaptive tests: Balancing the items and the content.'
b. Matthias Rose: 'Experiences with Computer Adaptive Tests within Clinical Practice.'
2A.6: Panel - Applying Unidimensional Models to Inherently Multidimensional Data
a. R. Darrell Bock: 'Item Factor Analysis with the New POLYFACT Program.'
b. Robert Gibbons: 'Bifactor IRT Models.'
c. Steven Reise: 'The Bifactor Model as a Tool for Solving Many Challenging Psychometric Issues.'
a. Alan Tennant: 'Current issues in cross cultural validity.'
b. A. Thomas McLellan: 'Serving Clinical Measurement Needs in Addiction - Translating the Science of Measurement into Clinical Value.'
2B.1: Applications of Computerized Adaptive Testing - II
Chair: William Fisher
Discussant: Otto Walter
a. Karen Schmidt, Andrew J. Cook, David A. Roberts, Karen C. Nelson, Brian R. Clark, B Eugene Parker, Jr., Susan E. Embretson: 'Calibrating a Multidimensional CAT for Chronic Pain Assessment'.
b. Milena Anatchkova, Jason Fletcher, Mathias Rose, Chris Dewey, Hanne Melchior: 'A Clinical Feasibility Test of Heart Failure Computerized Adaptive Test (HF-CAT).'
2B.2: Discerning Typologies with IRT/Rasch
Chair: Kendon Conrad
Discussant: Peter Delany
a. Michael Dennis: 'Variation in DSM-IV Symptom Severity Depending on Type of Drug and Age: A Facets Analysis.'
b. Tulshi Saha, Bridget F. Grant: 'Trajectories of Alcohol Use Disorder - An Application of a Repeated Measures, Hierarchical Rasch Model.'
c. James Henson, Brad T. Conner: 'Substance Use and Different Types of Sensation Seekers - A Rasch Mixture Analysis.'
2B.3: Measurement of Treatment Processes
Chair: Thomas Hilton
Discussant: Paul Pilkonis
a. Craig Henderson, Faye S. Taxman, Douglas W. Young: 'A Rasch Model Analysis of Evidence-Based Treatment Practices Used in the Criminal Justice System.'
b. Panagiota Kitsantas, Faye Taxman: 'Uncovering complex relationships of factors that impact offenders' access to substance abuse programs - A regression tree analysis.'
c. Jason Chapman, Ashli J. Sheidow, Scott W. Henggeler: 'Rasch-Based Development and Evaluation of a Test for Measuring Therapist Knowledge of Contingency Management for Adolescent Substance Use.'
2B.4: Measurement of Substance Use Disorders - II
Chair: Michael Fendrich
Discussant: Robert Massof
a. Brian Rush, Saulo Castel: 'Validation and comparison of screening tools for mental disorders among people accessing substance abuse treatment.'
b. Allen Heinemann: 'Using the Rasch Model to develop a substance abuse screening instrument for vocational rehabilitation agencies.'
2B.5: Demonstration
Mark Wilson: 'Constructing Measures: The BEAR Assessment System.'
2C.1: Psychometric Issues in Measurement Validation
Chair: Ya-Fen Chan
Discussant: Craig Velozo
a. Laura Stapleton, Tiffany A. Whittaker: 'Obtaining item response theory information from confirmatory factor analysis results.'
b. Jean-Guy Blais, Éric Dionne. 'Skewed items responses distribution for the VF-14 visual functioning test - using Rasch models to explore collapsing of rating categories.'
c. Michelle Woodbury, Craig A. Velozo: 'A Novel Application of Rasch Output - A Keyform Recovery Map to Guide Stroke Rehabilitation Goal-Setting and Treatment-Planning.'
d. Zhushan Li: 'Rasch Related Loglinear Models with Ancillary Variables in Aggression Research.'
2C.2: Methodological Issues in Differential Item Functioning (DIF)
Chair/Discussant: Allen Heinemann
a. Hao Song, Rebecca S. Lipner: 'Exploring Practice Setting Effects with Item Difficulty Variation on a Recertification Exam - Application of Two-Level Rasch Model.'
b. Barth Riley, Michael Dennis: 'Distinguishing between Treatment Effects and the Influence of DIF in a Substance Abuse Outcome Measure Using Multiple Indicator Multiple Causes (MIMIC) Models.'
c. Rita Bode, Trudy Mallinson: 'Consistency Across Samples in the Identification of DIF.'
2C.3: Perspectives on Current Practice and Beyond
Chair: John Ware
Discussant: David Andrich
a. Stephen F. Butler, Ann Doucette: 'Inflexxion's Computer Administered Addiction Severity Index - Successes, Challenges, and Future Directions.'
b. William Fisher: Uncertainty, the Welfare Economics of Medical Care, and New Metrological Horizons
2C.4: World Health Organization Measures
Chair: Francisco Luis Pimentel
Discussant: Alan Tennant
a. T. Bedirhan Ustun: 'World Health Organization Disability Assessment Schedule II (WHODAS II) - Development, Psychometric Testing, and Applications.'
b. Neusa S. Rocha: 'Measurement Properties of WHOQOL-Bref in Alcoholics Using Rasch Models.'
2C.5: Meet the Authors
Chair: Barth Riley
David Andrich, Susan Embretson, Christine Fox, Ronald Hambleton, David Thissen and Mark Wilson.
Saturday, September 13, 2008
Plenary Session 3
a. David Andrich: 'The polytomous Rasch model and malfunctioning assessments in ordered categories - Implications for the responsible analysis of such assessments.'
b. Susan Embretson: 'Item Response Theory Models for Complex Constructs.'
c. David Thissen: 'The Future of Item Response Theory for Health Outcomes Measurement.'
Panel Session 3A
The Future of Measurement in Behavioral Health Care
Chair: Ken Conrad
David Andrich, Michael Dennis, Thomas Hilton, A. Thomas McLellan, Bryce Reeve, Alan Tennant and T. Bedirhan Ustun.
ICOM 2008 International Conference on Outcomes Measurement Program. Rasch Measurement Transactions, 2008, 22:1 p. 1148-51
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Coming Rasch-related Events | |
Apr. 21 - 22, 2025, Mon.-Tue. | International Objective Measurement Workshop (IOMW) - Boulder, CO, www.iomw.net |
Jan. 17 - Feb. 21, 2025, Fri.-Fri. | On-line workshop: Rasch Measurement - Core Topics (E. Smith, Winsteps), www.statistics.com |
Feb. - June, 2025 | On-line course: Introduction to Classical Test and Rasch Measurement Theories (D. Andrich, I. Marais, RUMM2030), University of Western Australia |
Feb. - June, 2025 | On-line course: Advanced Course in Rasch Measurement Theory (D. Andrich, I. Marais, RUMM2030), University of Western Australia |
May 16 - June 20, 2025, Fri.-Fri. | On-line workshop: Rasch Measurement - Core Topics (E. Smith, Winsteps), www.statistics.com |
June 20 - July 18, 2025, Fri.-Fri. | On-line workshop: Rasch Measurement - Further Topics (E. Smith, Facets), www.statistics.com |
July 21 - 23, 2025, Mon.-Wed. | Pacific Rim Objective Measurement Symposium (PROMS) 2025, www.proms2025.com |
Oct. 3 - Nov. 7, 2025, Fri.-Fri. | On-line workshop: Rasch Measurement - Core Topics (E. Smith, Winsteps), www.statistics.com |
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