Friday, October 19: Fundamentals of Measurement & Applications in Health Care
9:00-10:00: Plenary Session 1 - Illinois Room A: Introduction: Kendon J. Conrad
Benjamin D. Wright. "Objective Measurement: A Brief History and Future Directions."
10:15-11:45: Concurrent Panel Session 1A
Fundamentals - Cardinal Room
Richard Gershon. "Brief introduction to Rasch measurement."
Methodology - White Oak Room: Chair: Stephen Haley: "Development of an item pool to assess functional recovery across rehabilitation settings: Application to short forms and computer adaptive testing."
Larry Ludlow. "Item pool development for rehabilitation measures across settings."
Larry Ludlow. "Item pool development: Results of co-calibration scaling."
Stephen Haley. "Item pool development: Results of common sampling of Activity of Daily Living (ADL) items."
Wendy Coster. "Results of common sampling of communication and social items."
Methodology - Illinois Room C: Chair: Patrick McKnight
Qinghong Liao, Brigitte Manteuffel. "The impact of dichotomization on the DIF analysis of Likert-type rating scale."
Robin Soler, Qinghong Liao. "A DIF analysis of the Child Behavior Check-List (CBCL)."
Kirk Becker, Scott Decker. "The benefits of item bias in clinical diagnosis."
Diane Angelico, William Fisher. "Measuring patient satisfaction in a 9-hospital system."
Policy - Illinois Room B: Chair: Benjamin Wright
William Fisher. "Quantifying human capital: A rationale and plan for a new metrology."
Carl Granger. "Federal decisions regarding healthcare measurement."
Fred Wolfe. "Rasch and medicine: The bridge and the gap."
Discussant: George Lundberg
Clinical - Monarch Room: Chair: Donna Surges Tatum: "A longitudinal look at career patterns in medical technology."
Donna Surges Tatum, Laura Culver Edgar. "Overview of the medical technologist prospective study."
Pamela Frommelt. "Sample characteristics of the medical technologist prospective study."
David Blitz. "Measuring change in job satisfaction."
Keith McCoy. "Changes in job responsibilities for medical technologists."
Lidia Dobria. "Job diagnostic survey: Changes over time."
Discussant: Laura Culver Edgar
1:15-2:45: Concurrent Panel Session 1B
Fundamentals - Illinois Room B: Chair: Donna Surges Tatum: "The great minds of measurement."
Benjamin Wright. "Peirce"
Larry Ludlow. "Fechner"
George Engelhard. "Thorndike"
Nikolaus Bezruczko. "Thurstone"
David Andrich. "Rasch"
Methodology - Illinois Room C: Chair: James Houston
John Michael Linacre. "Algorithms for dichotomous and rating scale computerized adaptive tests and surveys."
Mary Lunz. "Administrative issues for computerized tests and surveys."
Betty Bergstrom, Thomas LaVelle. "Delivery issues for computer based tests: Internet or server."
Chih-Hung Chang. "Real time adaptive health surveys: An application."
Anne Wendt. "Computer adaptive testing: Is it right for you?"
Clinical - Monarch Room: Chair: Karen Conrad
Trudy Mallinson, Joan Stelmack, Craig Velozo. "Going beyond unreliable reliabilities."
Don Straube, Suzann Campbell. "Using a visual analog to assess physical therapy students: Are raters discriminating among 100 levels of performance?"
John Lyons. "A communication model for measurement in clinical settings."
Louise White. "Performance findings and self-reported capacity in patients with lower extremity impairments."
Clinical - White Oak Room: Chair: Sharon Foley
Judith Babcock. "Low vision outcomes measures estimated from a self-assessment questionnaire dependent on patient instructions."
Joan Stelmack. "Development of the Veterans Affairs (VA) Low Vision (LV) Vision Functioning Questionnaire (VFQ) to measure low vision outcomes."
Janet Szlyk. "Performance of the VA Low Vision Visual Functioning Questionnaire (VALV VFQ)."
Policy - Cardinal Room: Chair: Yen-pin Chiang "Item response theory in health outcomes and cancer care research."
Bryce Reeve. "Applications of IRT to cancer care research: Preliminary discussions from the Cancer Outcomes Measurement Working Group (COMWG)."
Leo Morales. "IRT analysis of the Consumer Assessment of Health Plans Study (CAHPS) data."
Karon Cook, Colleen McHorney. "Equating health measures: Testing the practical implications of equating parameters and model selection."
Chih-Hung Chang, David Cella. "Defining and measuring higher order dimensions of self-reported data: An IRT approach to item banking and computerized adaptive testing."
3:00-4:30: Concurrent Panel Session 1C
Fundamentals - Illinois Room C: Chair: Edward Wolfe
Kendon Conrad, Karen Conrad, Benjamin D. Wright, Patrick McKnight. "Comparing traditional and Rasch measurement."
Karen Conrad, Kendon Conrad, Benjamin D. Wright, Patrick McKnight. "Comparing traditional and Rasch measurement."
Everett Smith. "Reliability and validity: A Rasch perspective."
Methodology - Illinois Room B: Chair: Gary Albrecht
John Michael Linacre. "Rating scales: Averages and inferences."
Joseph Martineau, Edward Wolfe. "The effects of instrument formatting on rating scale category utility."
Surintorn Suanthong, Mary Lunz. "Factors that effect test equating in performance examinations."
Jack Stenner. "Linking scales and equating tests: Hope or despair?"
Clinical - Cardinal Room: Chair: Colleen McHorney
Barbara Majors. "Overcoming the conspiracy of politeness: Speaking truth to power."
Richard Scribner. "Combining GIS and HLM in public health's new eco-epidemiology paradigm."
Pedro Alvarez, Isabel Escalona, Antonio Pulgarin. "What support mathematics is the most suitable for financial research?"
William Fisher. "Why debates about method are more than academic: The case of Rasch measurement."
Clinical - Monarch Room: Chair: Joseph Lipscomb
Sarah Ailey. "An interpretational model of depression with adults with intellectual disabilities."
Luigi Tesio, Maria Rosa Valsecchi, Marina Sala, Anna Simone. "Disability in mental retardation: A new scale for severe/profound cases."
Elizabeth Hahn, David Cella. "Quality of life measurement in vulnerable populations."
Clinical - White Oak Room: Chair: Allen Heinemann
Craig Velozo, Patricia Politano. "Using Rasch measurement in the development of a functional communication measure for adults with developmental disabilities."
Josephine Norquist, Ray Fitzpatrick, Jill Dawson. "The value of Rasch scoring methods in assessing outcomes in orthopaedics."
Weimo Zhu, Jae Kennedy. "Calibration of ADL/IADL items using a multidimensional item response model."
Rebecca Holman, C. Glas, R. de Haan, R. Lindeboom, M. Vermeulen. "Model choice for calibrating a large item bank: The Amsterdam linear disability score project."
4:30-6:00: Wine and Cheese Reception: Poster Session - Fort Dearborn Room
Pedro Alvarez. "Measuring IgA nephropathy."
Mehul Dalal, Semonti Basu, Everett Smith. "Comparison of self-assessed health in osteo- (OA) and rheumatoid arthritis (RA) using a generic health status measure."
Ben Gerber, Everett Smith, Mariela Girotti, Lourdes Palaez, Kimberly Lawless, Louanne Smolin, Irwin Brodsky, Arnold Eiser. "Assessment of African-Americans and Latinos with diabetes using Rasch measurement."
Li-Chiao Huang. "Latent growth models for health behavior in the elderly."
Nathan Markward, William Fisher. "Scale-free genomics: A first glimpse."
David L. McArthur, Matthias F. Oertel. "Computerized Tomography Findings and the Rasch Model."
Keith McCoy. "A math diagnostic instrument for development of math students."
Hai Phung, Adrian Bauman, Lis Young, Mai Tran, Ken Hillman. "Ecological and individual predictors of maternal smoking: Looking beyond individual socioeconomic predictors at the community setting."
Larry Richesin. "Rasch analysis of HIV counseling and testing data."
Marlos Viana. "Statistical methods in symmetry studies."
Anatoliy Maslak. "Efficiency estimation of testing on Rasch model."
Francis Staskon, A. Bryk. "Hierarchical models of the Rasch inflated standard error term."
Linjun Shen. "A comparison of Angoff and Rasch model based item map methods in setting standard for medical licensing examinations."
Raymond Chan, Benjamin D. Wright. "Attentional performance in patients with traumatic brain injury and healthy controls: A study with Rasch model."
Kazuaki Uekawa. "Student's concentration/attention level during mathematics and science classroom: A Rasch analysis."
Saturday, October 20: Advanced Methods, Applications, and Implications
9:00-10:00: Plenary Session 2 - Illinois Room A: Introduction: Everett V. Smith
David Andrich. "Controversy and the Rasch model: A Characteristic of a Scientific Revolution?"
Mark Wilson. "Using Rasch and IRT models in Health Care Research: Theoretical and Practical Implications of model selection."
10:15-11:45:Concurrent Panel Session 2A
Policy - Cardinal Room: Chair: Theresa Pape
Carl Granger. "Database management using Rasch analysis quality control charts."
Michael Dow, Timothy Boaz, David Thornton. "Case mix adjustment of Florida mental health outcomes data: Concepts, methods, and results."
Timothy Boaz, Michael Dow, David Thornton. "Case mix adjustment of Florida mental health outcomes data: Concepts, methods, and results."
Gaston Mbateng. "Use of Rasch to assign inpatient rehabilitation hospital patients with incomplete FIM data to case-mix groups for prospective payment system."
Policy - Illinois Room B: Chair: Lee Sechrest
Robert Florin. "Applications of Rasch measurement to the valuation of physician services."
John Wade. "Development of a Resource Based Relative Value System (RBRVS) for the province of Ontario."
Discussants: Patrick Gallagher, Bart McCann, John Gage
Methodology - Illinois Room C: Chair: Benjamin D. Wright
Kendon Conrad, Benjamin D. Wright, Jack Goldberg. "Is it possible to assess pre/post change using different measures at pre and post?"
Dimiter Dimitrov. "Reliability of Rasch measurement with skewed ability distributions."
Kathleen Wyrwich. "Connecting minimal clinically important difference thresholds and the standard error of measurement."
Edward Wolfe. "An evaluation of parameter estimation bias for linearly adaptive tests."
Clinical - Monarch Room: Chair: Joan Stelmack
Sharon Foley. "Measurement properties of a nutritional assessment tool used to assess nutritional status and associated outcomes."
Jolene Johnson, William Fisher. "Measuring diabetes treatment processes."
William Frey, Rene Gordin. "Use of Rasch methodology to develop a measure of Social Security Disability."
Clinical - White Oak Room: Chair: Kirk Becker
Elena Papanastasiou, Edward Wolfe. "An evaluation of bias and error in raw score rater disagreement resolution methods on the depiction of examinee ability."
Brenda Merritt, Anne Fisher. "Differences between men and women in occupational performance."
Suzy Vance, Anne Wendt. "Results of harassment prevention training for health care professionals."
Anne Wendt, Suzy Vance. "Results of harassment prevention training for health care professionals."
1:15-2:45: Concurrent Panel Session 2B
Methodology - Illinois Room B: Chair: Carl Granger
Alan Tennant. "IRT approach to cross cultural validity through DIF."
Anne-Marie Aish. "Comparability and cross-cultural equivalence of measurement instruments (LISREL)."
Hlapang Kolobe, Everett Smith. "Establishing cross-cultural equivalence of a parent child-rearing measure."
Clinical - Monarch Room: Chair: Lee Sechrest
Patrick McKnight, Miles McFall, Al Fontana, Robert Rosenheck. "The use if IRT for rescaling existing items and measures."
Patrick McKnight, Miles McFall, Al Fontana, Robert Rosenheck. "PTSD measurement improvement and the implications for decision-making."
Patrick McKnight, Miles McFall, Al Fontana, Robert Rosenheck. "Measuring pain in chronic pain patients: An application of IRT methods for scale reduction."
Clinical - Cardinal Room: Chair: Don Straube
William Boone, N. Sue Seal, Alton McWhorter, Rosemarie Zartman, Silvia King. "Utilizing Rasch measurement to optimize the evaluation of dental students."
Sharon Foley. "Development of a tool to measure readiness to make dietary and behavioral changes."
Trudy Mallinson, AnnMarie Keenan, Sandy Purl, Craig Velozo. "Measuring the impact of cancer related fatigue on everyday activities during chemotherapy."
AnnMarie Keenan, Trudy Mallinson, Sandy Purl, Craig Velozo. "Measuring the impact of cancer related fatigue on everyday activities during chemotherapy."
Methodology: Validity Studies - White Oak Room: Chair: Erica LaForte
Edward Clark. "The American Housing Survey: Is it a reliable and valid measure of housing quality?"
Qinghong Liao, E. Wayne Holden. "The use of the three-parameter model to examine the Behavioral and Emotional Rating Scale (BERS)."
Ingrid Scholten. "Tracking change and determining influential variables: Calibration of students' constructed responses about normal swallowing."
Edward Wolfe, Sally Nogle. "Development of measurability and importance scales for the NATA Athletic Training Educational Competencies."
Clinical - Illinois Room C: Chair: Filemon Cerda
Michael Gilewski, Elizabeth Zelinski. "Rasch scaling of cognition in AHEAD."
Julie Bernier, Karla Nobrega, Jean-Marie Berthelot. "Derived stress scores as determinants of health."
Elizabeth Betemps, Richard Smith, Dewleen Baker. "Measurement precision of the Clinician Administered PTSD Scale (CAPS)."
Rachel Seymour. "Evaluation of two self-efficacy for exercise measures using Rasch analysis: Clinical utility, reliability, and validity."
3:00-4:30: Concurrent Panel Session 2C: Chair: Jack Stenner
Publishing Objective Measurement - Illinois Room B
Lee Sechrest, Colleen McHorney, Everett Smith, Benjamin D. Wright
Policy - Cardinal Room: Chair: Kevin Weiss
William Fisher, Karen DeSalvo, Joel Devine, Jaimie Morris, Anne Yeoman. "Measuring quality of care among residents of a housing project."
Karen DeSalvo, William Fisher, Joel Devine, Jaimie Morris, Anne Yeoman. "Measuring health status among residents of a housing project."
Cynthia Kelly. "Using Rasch method to develop the Healthy Lifestyle Behavior Scale."
E.R. Mahoney, Ron Stock, Sarah Donelson, Mary Minnitti. "An unbiased measure of physical function ability: The PeaceHealth PF-13."
Clinical - White Oak Room: Chair: Bryce Reeve
Karen Conrad, Everett Smith, Karen Chang, Jo Piazza. "Physical efficacy for exercise: Comparing traditional and Rasch analyses."
Sharon Merritt. "Using pupillometry to measure sleepiness: The reproducibility, ultradian sensitivity, and validity of outcome measures."
Karen Chang. "Patient perception of nursing care quality in the hospital setting: Instrument Development."
Methodology - Illinois Room C: Chair: Craig Velozo
Allen Heinemann, Rita Bode, Patrick Semik. "Step disorder and item fit in FIM ratings."
Christine Chen, Allen Heinemann, Carl Granger. "Rehabilitation outcomes in pediatric patients using Functional Independence Measure."
Camille O'Reilly, Allen Heinemann, Rita Bode. "Development of orthotic and prosthetic outcome measures."
Don Straube, Suzann Campbell. "Using a visual analog to assess physical therapy students: Are raters discriminating among 100 levels of performance?"
Clinical - Monarch Room: Chair: Mary Lunz
Eric Wong, Chetwyn Chan, Leonard Li, Bobby Ni. "Motor performance for stroke patients in Hong Kong: Rasch analysis on Functional Independence Measure and Barthel Index."
Rense Lange, Larry Hughes. "Rasch scaling in the UPSIT: Using smell recognition to identify Alzheimer's disease."
Chih-Hung Chang, Linda Emanuel, Joe Feinglass, David Cella. "Psychometric evaluation of the Needs Assessment at the End-of-Life Screening Tool (NEST)."
Theresa Pape, Allen Heinemann. "Constructing a neurobehavioral measure of cerebral functioning in unconscious persons."
5:00-6:00: Forum Discussion - Illinois Room A: Chair: Kendon Conrad
"Health Care Implications from the Conference."
Lee Sechrest, Colleen McHorney, William P. Fisher, Jr., Joseph Lipscomb, Gary Albrecht, Ray Fitzpatrick
ICOM Pre-Session: October 17-18, Wednesday-Thursday
An Introduction to Rasch Measurement: Theory and Applications. Everett V. Smith Jr. & Richard M. Smith
ICOM Post-Session: October 21-22, Sunday-Monday
Rasch Measurement Software: Winsteps. John M. Linacre
International Conference on Objective Measurement (ICOM) Rasch Measurement Transactions, 2001, 15:2 p. 817-821
Forum | Rasch Measurement Forum to discuss any Rasch-related topic |
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Coming Rasch-related Events | |
Apr. 21 - 22, 2025, Mon.-Tue. | International Objective Measurement Workshop (IOMW) - Boulder, CO, |
Jan. 17 - Feb. 21, 2025, Fri.-Fri. | On-line workshop: Rasch Measurement - Core Topics (E. Smith, Winsteps), |
Feb. - June, 2025 | On-line course: Introduction to Classical Test and Rasch Measurement Theories (D. Andrich, I. Marais, RUMM2030), University of Western Australia |
Feb. - June, 2025 | On-line course: Advanced Course in Rasch Measurement Theory (D. Andrich, I. Marais, RUMM2030), University of Western Australia |
May 16 - June 20, 2025, Fri.-Fri. | On-line workshop: Rasch Measurement - Core Topics (E. Smith, Winsteps), |
June 20 - July 18, 2025, Fri.-Fri. | On-line workshop: Rasch Measurement - Further Topics (E. Smith, Facets), |
July 21 - 23, 2025, Mon.-Wed. | Pacific Rim Objective Measurement Symposium (PROMS) 2025, |
Oct. 3 - Nov. 7, 2025, Fri.-Fri. | On-line workshop: Rasch Measurement - Core Topics (E. Smith, Winsteps), |
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