Li & Olejnik (1997) investigate six person fit statistics and conclude that "Practitioners need no longer be confused by the large number of possible person-fit indexes available to detect nonfitting examinees. The lz index will provide as reliable and accurate identification of unusual responding as other person fit statistics" (p. 229). Oh joy! Oh rapture! Our fit detection problems are finally over! - But wait, Klauer (1995) cautions "a given person [index] implies a bias for detecting the [index]-specific deviations and a bias against detecting other kinds of deviations" (p. 109). Since Li & Olejnik consider only dichotomous tests, let us contain our joy while we evaluate the utility of lz for polytomies.
lz (Hulin et al., 1983) is a likelihood-based statistic, computed in several steps:
Step 1. Compute the likelihood, n, of the observed response string for person n of estimated ability Bn,
where Pnix is the Rasch-model probability that person n on item i would respond in the observed category x of a 0,M rating scale. This has log-likelihood,
Step 2. Compute the expected log-likelihood,
Step 3. Compute the log-likelihood variance,
Step 4. Compute the lz index,
The lz index is standardized, so that a value of 0.0 is intended to reflect a perfectly typical response string. Values greater than 2.0 could indicate unexpectedly good fit (overfit). Values below -2.0 could indicate unexpectedly poor fit (noise).
Applying this to Smith's (1996, RMT 10:3 p.516-7) simulated polytomous data produces the results in the Table. In Section A, lz is skewed. Response strings simulated to fit the model have values around .75, rather than the proclaimed 0.0.
In Section B, overfitting (Guttman-like) response strings reach only as far as 1.9, and so are not large enough to be flagged. Response patterns corresponding to misuse of the ratings scale (central tendency, extremism, erratic behavior), often detected by INFIT and OUTFIT, are not detected by lz.
In Section C, large negative values of lz do usefully pin-point grossly aberrant response patterns. Even so, there was only one instance in which lz flagged misbehavior which INFIT and OUTFIT missed. This was for the "one category" response set (Block V, line 1) which the lz value of -2.06 flags as unexpected. However, the RPM (point-measure correlation, similar to point-biserial) value of 0.0 provides a powerful and immediate diagnosis of this response string. In general, lz does not flag borderline response strings.
Alas, lz is markedly less useful than INFIT and OUTFIT mean-squares. Our joy must be deferred.
John M. Linacre
Later note: Adjustment to lz is suggested in "Assessment of Person Fit for Mixed-Format Tests", Sandip Sinharay, Journal Of Educational And Behavioral Statistics July 13, 2015
Snijders, T. (2001). Asymptotic null distribution of person-fit statistics with estimated person parameter. Psychometrika, 66, 331-342 (for dichotomous items)
Sinharay, S. (2016). Asymptotically correct standardization of person-fit statistics beyond dichotomous items. Psychometrika, 81, 992-1013 (for polytomous items)
Hulin, C.L., Drasgow F., Parsons C. (1983) Item Response Theory: Applications to Psychological Measurement. Homewood Il: Dow & Jones Irwin.
Klauer K.C. (1995) The assessment of person fit. p. 97-110. In G.H. Fischer & I.W. Molenaar (Eds.) Rasch Models: Foundations, Recent Developments and Applications. New York: Springer Verlag.
Li M.F, Olejnik S. (1997) The power of Rasch person-fit statistics in detecting unusual response patterns. Applied Psychological Measurement 21:3, p. 215-231
"It is recommended that with real tests, identification of significantly nonfitting examinees be based on empirical distributions of lz generated from Monte Carlo simulations using item parameters estimated from real data."
lz Person-Fit Index to Identify Misfit Students With Achievement Test Data. Dong Gi Seo and David J. Weiss. Educational and Psychological Measurement 2013;73 994-1016.
Investigation of the lz Person Fit Statistic | |||||
Response String Easy..........Hard |
RPM Corr. |
lz Index | Diagnosis |
Diagnostic use: | 1.0 typical >1.3 noisy <0.7 overfit |
1.0 typical >1.3 noisy <0.7 overfit |
<0.0 reversed 0.0 useless |
0.0 typical <-2.0 noisy >2.0 overfit |
A. Data fits model - lz biased positive, OUTFIT and INFIT at expectation | |||||
I. model-fitting: 33333132210000001011 31332332321220000000 33333331122300000000 33333331110010200001 |
.98 .98 1.06 1.03 |
.99 1.04 .97 1.00 |
.78 .81 .87 .81 |
.49 .75 1.12 .72 |
lz bias of 0.7 misleadingly diagnoses data as too deterministic |
B. Poor fit, merits attention - lz flags 1 of 12, OUTFIT 9 of 12 | |||||
II. overfitting (muted): 33222222221111111100 33333222221111100000 33333333221100000000 32222222221111111110 32323232121212101010 |
.18 .31 .80 .21 .52 |
.22 .35 .77 .26 .54 |
.92 .97 .93 .89 .82 |
1.95 2.67 1.95 1.39 1.27 |
most expected most likely high discrimination low discrimination tight progression |
III. limited categories: 33333333332222222222 22222222221111111111 33333322222222211111 |
.24 .24 .16 |
.24 .34 .20 |
.87 .87 .93 |
1.27 .67 1.95 |
high (low) categories 2 central categories only 3 categories |
IV. informative-noisy: 32222222201111111130 33233332212333000000 33333333330000000000 33133330232300101000 |
.94 1.25 1.37 1.49 |
1.22 1.09 1.20 1.40 |
.55 .77 .87 .72 |
-.85 .21 .67 -.56 |
noisy outliers erratic transitions extreme categories noisy progression |
C. Obvious gross misfit, requires attention - lz and RPM flag 10 of 10 | |||||
V. non-informative: 22222222222222222222 12121212121212121212 03202002101113311002 01230123012301230123 03030303030303030303 |
.85 1.50 2.99 3.62 5.14 |
1.21 1.96 3.59 4.61 6.07 |
.00 -.09 -.01 -.19 -.09 |
-2.06 -3.73 -6.73 -9.34 -12.54 |
one category central flip-flop random responses rotate categories extreme flip-flop |
VI. contradictory: 11111122233222111111 22222222223333333333 11111111112222222222 00111111112222222233 00000000003333333333 |
1.75 2.11 2.56 4.00 8.30 |
2.02 4.13 3.20 5.58 9.79 |
.00 -.87 -.87 -.92 -.87 |
-4.13 -6.64 -7.33 -11.82 -23.35 |
folded pattern high reversal central reversal Guttman reversal extreme reversal |
This is the BIGSTEPS control file for the data above: &inst TITLE='COMPUTING STATISTICS' NI=20 ITEM1=1 ; include response strings in person name name1=1 namlen=30 CODES=0123 ptbis=no ; compute point-measure correlation INUMB=YES ; no item labels TFILE=* 6 ; Table 6 - persons in fit order 18 ; table 18 - persons in entry order * IAFILE=* ; item anchor values - uniform 1 -1.9 2 -1.7 3 -1.5 4 -1.3 5 -1.1 6 -0.9 7 -0.7 8 -0.5 9 -0.3 10 -0.1 11 0.1 12 0.3 13 0.5 14 0.7 15 0.9 16 1.1 17 1.3 18 1.5 19 1.7 20 1.9 * SAFILE=* ; step anchor values 0 0 1 -1 2 0 3 1 * &end 33333132210000001011 modelled 31332332321220000000 modelled 33333331122300000000 modelled 33333331110010200001 modelled 33222222221111111100 most expected 33333222221111100000 most likely 33333333221100000000 high discrimination 32222222221111111110 low discrimination 32323232121212101010 tight progression 33333333332222222222 high (low) categories 22222222221111111111 2 central categories 33333322222222211111 only 3 categories 32222222201111111130 noisy outliers 33233332212333000000 erratic transitions 33333333330000000000 extreme categories 33133330232300101000 noisy progression 22222222222222222222 one category 12121212121212121212 central flip-flop 03202002101113311002 random responses 01230123012301230123 rotate categories 03030303030303030303 extreme flip-flop 11111122233222111111 folded pattern 22222222223333333333 high reversal 11111111112222222222 central reversal 00111111112222222233 Guttman reversal 00000000003333333333 extreme reversal
An All-Purpose Person Fit Statistic? Linacre J.M. Rasch Measurement Transactions, 1997, 11:3 p. 582-3.
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May 16 - June 20, 2025, Fri.-Fri. | On-line workshop: Rasch Measurement - Core Topics (E. Smith, Winsteps), |
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