Outcome Measurement
Richard M. Smith (Ed.) Physical Medicine and Rehabilitation: State of the Art Reviews. Vol 11. No. 2. Philadelphia PA: Hanley & Belfus. 1997. ISBN 1-56053-234-3.
This compact, yet comprehensive volume contains 12 papers presented at the First International Outcome Measurement Conference, Chicago, 1996. It is a practical primer on applying Rasch techniques to self-reported and clinician-rated assessment instruments.
Fundamental measurement for outcome evaluation, Benjamin D. Wright
Multifaceted measurement of daily life task performance: conceptualizing a test of instrumental ADL and validating the addition of personal ADL tasks, Anne G. Fisher
Application of Rasch analysis in the development of the Medical Rehabilitation Follow-Along measure (MRFA), John G. Baker & Carl V. Granger
Instantaneous measurement and diagnosis, John M. Linacre
Adjusting for rater severity in an unlinked Functional Independence Measure national database: an application of the many-facets Rasch model, Jin-Shei Lai, Craig A. Velozo, & John M. Linacre
The relationship between goals and functional status in the Patient Evaluation and Conference System, Richard M. Smith
Improving the prediction of rehabilitation outpatient health services using patient characteristics: results of a six-month prospective study, Norbert Goldfield, Richard F. Averill, Thelma Grant, Yvette Wang, Dennis Graziano, Herbert Fillmore, & William P. Fisher, Jr.
What scale-free measurement means to outcomes research, William P. Fisher, Jr.
Comma to community: continuity in measurement, A. Tennant & C. Young
Rasch analysis of a brief physical ability scale for long-term outcomes of stroke, Mary E. Segal, Allen W. Heinemann, R. Richard Schall, & Benjamin D. Wright
Equating health-related quality-of-life instruments in applied oncology settings, Chih-Hung Chang & David Cella
An exploration of interdisciplinary ratings of functional assessment items, Rita K. Bode & Allen W. Heinemann
Objective Measurement: Theory into Practice, Volume 4
Mark Wilson, George Engelhard, Jr., Karen Draney (Eds.). Greenwich CT: Ablex Publishing Corporation. 1997. ISBN 0-89391-814-8.
This volume emanates from IOMW8 (Berkeley CA, 1995) and reflects its broad range of topics and international participation. Many of the 18 papers are by expert authors new to the series. Themes include measurement based on rating scales, the measurement of change, and measurement models for sparse data.
Contents: Part I. Measurement Practice.
Effects of item characteristics in a large-scale direct writing assessment, Yi Du & Benjamin D. Wright
A study of the accuracy of test measurements in functionally administered vs. Grade-level administered tests, George Ingebo
Computerized adaptive testing using the partial credit model for attitude measurement, Sun-Geun Baek
Mapping Middle School students' perceptions of the relevance of science, Lily Roberts & Robin Henke
Using the partial credit model to verify a theoretical model of academic studying, Robert Warkentin, Linda Bol & Mark Wilson
Using Rasch measurement to evaluate ratings of standard-setting judges, George Engelhard, Jr. & Stephen Cramer
Part II. Multidimensional Approaches.
Rasch factor analysis, Benjamin D. Wright
Rasch models for multi-dimensionality between and within items, Wen-chung Wang, Mark Wilson & Raymond J. Adams
Item Response Theory in the Third International Mathematics and Science Study, Eugenio Gonzalez, Raymond J. Adams, Margaret Wu & Larry Ludlow
Structural Rasch models: some theory, applications and software, Gerhard H. Fischer
Applications of the program LpcM in the field of measuring change, Ivo Ponocny & Elizabeth Seliger
Structured ability models in tests designed from cognitive theory, Susan E. Embretson
Part III. Measurement Theory.
Testing the generalized partial credit model, C. A. W. Glas
A method for analyzing performance assessments, George A. Marcoulides & Zvi Drezner
Bias in weighted likelihood estimations when using the Rasch model, David Roberts & Raymond J. Adams
Pre-post comparisons in Rasch measurement, Richard M. Smith
Nonparametric IRT Models for dominance and proximity data, Wijbrandt H. van Schuur
Partial credit in a developmental context: the case for adopting a mixture model approach, Mark Wilson & Karen Draney
Measuring Second Language Performance
Tim F. McNamara. London & New York: Longman. 1996. ISBN 0-582-089077.
The last 5 chapters of this book focus on Rasch measurement, especially the many-facet model. These chapters provide practical guidance for use of this methodology, which is not otherwise available in print. (The first four chapters of this book discuss the theory of language testing.)
Contents: Language Testing:
Second language performance assessment.
Modelling performance: opening Pandora's Box.
Designing a performance test: the Occupational English Test.
Raters and ratings: introduction to multi-faceted measurement.
Concepts and procedures in Rasch measurement.
Mapping and reporting abilities and skill levels.
Using Rasch analysis in research on second language performance
Data, models and dimensions.
Journal of Outcome Measurement
Richard M. Smith (Ed.).
JOM is grounded in medically-related applications of Rasch measurement (the fastest growing application area), but papers on good measurement theory and practice from many areas are included. JOM is quickly becoming the premier journal for Rasch scholarship.
Volume 1, Number 1. 1997
Establishing the diagnostic validity of Premenstrual Dysphoric Disorder using Rasch analysis, Sarah Gehlert, Chih-Hung Chang, Shirley Hartlage
Constructing rater and test banks for performance assessments, George Engelhard, Jr.
Development of a scale to assess "Concern About Falling" and applications to treatment programs, Michelle M. Lusardi, Everett V. Smith, Jr.
Dimensionality of an early childhood scale using rasch analysis and confirmatory factor analysis, Madhabi Banerji, Richard M. Smith, Robert F. Dedrick
Volume 1, Number 2. 1997
Physical disability construct convergence across instruments: towards a universal metric, William P. Fisher, Jr.
Parameter recovery for the Partial Credit Model using MULTILOG, Seung W. Choi, Karon F. Cook, Barbara G. Dodd
Objective measurement of figure skating performance, Marilyn A. Looney
Validating standard setting with a modified Nedelsky procedure through common-item test equating, Richard M. Smith, Leon J. Gross
Volume 1, Number 3. 1997
On-line performance assessment using rating scales, John Stahl, Rebecca Shumway, Betty Bergstrom, Anne Fisher
Evaluating the FONE FIM: Part I. Construct validity, Wei-Ching Chang, Susan Slaughter, Deborah Cartwright, Chetwyn Chan
Scoring and analysis of performance examinations: a comparison of methods and interpretations, Mary E. Lunz, Randall E. Schumacker
Interpreting the chi-square statistics reported in the many-faceted rasch model, Randall E. Schumacker, Mary E. Lunz
Applications of Latent Trait and Latent Class Models in the Social Sciences
Jürgen Rost & Rolf Langeheine (Eds.). New York: Waxmann Münster. 1997. ISBN 3-89325-464-1
Proceeding of an international symposium focussing on theoretical and mathematical aspects of Rasch-related models.
Contents: Introduction:
A guide through latent structure models for categorical data, Jürgen Rost & Rolf Langeheine
Lenient or strict applications of IRT with an eye on practical consequences, Ivo W. Molenaar
Educational Assessment:
Statistical analyses of data from the IEA Reading Literacy Study, Peter Allerup
Diagnostic opportunities with the Rasch model for ordered response categories, David Andrich, John H.A.L. de Jong & Barry E. Sheridan
Optimal designs for latent variable models: a review, Martijn P.F. Berger
Latent trait models for performance examinations, Mary E. Lunz & Benjamin D. Wright
Modeling the effects of test length and test time on parameter estimation using the HYBRID model, Kentaro Yamamoto & Howard Everson
Analyzing Cognitive Tasks:
Invariant item ordering of transitive reasoning tasks, Lass Sijtsma & Brian W. Junker
Application of the Rasch model for testing Piaget's theory of cognitive development, Christiane Spiel, Georg Gittler, Ulrike Sirsch & Judith Glück
Patterns of school performance and cognitive development in early adolescents - an application of prediction analysis, Alexander von Eye, Michael J. Rovine & Christiane Spiel
Application of polytomous Rasch models to the written language subtest of the Aachen Aphasia Test (AAT), Klaus Willmes
Life Satisfaction Data:
Incorporating item response theories in causal models, Marcel Croon & Ton Heinen
Happiness and satisfaction: an application of latent state-trait model for ordinal variables, Michael Eid
Aberrant response patterns in elderly respondents: latent class analysis of respondent scalability, G. van den Wittenboer, I.J. Hox & E.D. de Leeuw
Intrinsic and extrinsic work values as a single unfolding scale, Wijbrandt H. van Schuur
Assessment of Deviant Behavior:
Latent class analysis of survey data dealing with academic dishonesty, C. Mitchell Dayton & N.J. Scheers
Constructing comparable measures of delinquency by gender: a theoretical and empirical inquiry, Ann Marie Sorenson, David Brownfield, Gary F. Jensen
Analysis of student problem behaviors with latent trait, latent class, and related probit mixture models, John S. Uebersax
A parametric bootstrap procedure to perform statistical tests in a latent-class analysis of anti-social behavior, Peter van der Heijden, Harm 't Hart & Jos Dessens
Social Attitudes:
Connections between log-linear models and generalized Rasch models for ordinal responses, Alan Agresti
Latent trait and latent class models applied to survey data, David D. Bartholomew, Lilian M. de Menezes & Panagiota Tzamourani
Latent styles of German newspaper coverage of Allied prisoners of war during the Gulf War, Wilhelm Kempf
Fitting a latent trait model for missing observations to racial prejudice data, Martin Knott & Panagiota Tzamourani
Nonparametric latent factor analysis of Occupational Inventory data, A. Jan Kutylowski
Comparative social research with multi-sample latent class models, Allan L. McCutcheon & Jacques A. Hagenaars
An application of a Rasch-based unfolding model to a questionnaire on adolescent centrism, Jürgen Rost & Guanzhong Luo
Value orientations in the world of visual art: an exploration based on latent class and correspondence analysis, Christian Tarnai & Ulf Wuggenig
Psychological Constructs:
Self-monitoring - a class variable?, Matthias von Davier & Jürgen Rost
On the latent structure of the Beck Depression Inventory (BDI): using the Somatic subscale to evaluate a clinical trial, Ulrich Frick, Jürgen Rehm & Uta Thien
Some latent trait and latent class analyses of the Beck Depression Inventory (BDI), Ferdinand Keller & Wilhelm Kempf
Applying the Mixed Rasch model to personality questionnaires, Jürgen Rost, Claus Carstensen & Matthias von Davier
Epidemiological Studies:
Zero-inflated count models and their applications in public health and social science, Dankmar Böhning, Ekkehart Dietz & Peter Schlattmann
Using latent class models to analyze response patterns in epidemiologic mail surveys, Thomas Kohlmann & Anton K. Formann
Detecting artifacts in panel studies by latent class analysis, Herbert Matschinger & Matthias C. Angermeyer
Longitudinal Designs:
Concomitant variables in latent change models, Ulf Böckenbolt
Classification error adjustments for female labor force transitions using a latent Markov chain with random effects, Keith Humphreys
Applications of Rasch's Poisson counts model to longitudinal count data, Margo G.H. Jansen
Modeling stability and regularity of change: latent structure analysis of longitudinal discrete data, Thorsten Meiser & Georg Rudinger
Testing the Theory of Planned Behavior with latent Markov models, Jost Reinecke
Educational mobility, cohort and gender: a latent class reanalysis of the Ganzeboom and de Graaf data, Frank van de Pol
For the Rasch Bookshelf. Rasch Measurement Transactions, 1997, 11:2 p. 562-565.
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Coming Rasch-related Events | |
Apr. 21 - 22, 2025, Mon.-Tue. | International Objective Measurement Workshop (IOMW) - Boulder, CO, www.iomw.net |
Jan. 17 - Feb. 21, 2025, Fri.-Fri. | On-line workshop: Rasch Measurement - Core Topics (E. Smith, Winsteps), www.statistics.com |
Feb. - June, 2025 | On-line course: Introduction to Classical Test and Rasch Measurement Theories (D. Andrich, I. Marais, RUMM2030), University of Western Australia |
Feb. - June, 2025 | On-line course: Advanced Course in Rasch Measurement Theory (D. Andrich, I. Marais, RUMM2030), University of Western Australia |
May 16 - June 20, 2025, Fri.-Fri. | On-line workshop: Rasch Measurement - Core Topics (E. Smith, Winsteps), www.statistics.com |
June 20 - July 18, 2025, Fri.-Fri. | On-line workshop: Rasch Measurement - Further Topics (E. Smith, Facets), www.statistics.com |
July 21 - 23, 2025, Mon.-Wed. | Pacific Rim Objective Measurement Symposium (PROMS) 2025, www.proms2025.com |
Oct. 3 - Nov. 7, 2025, Fri.-Fri. | On-line workshop: Rasch Measurement - Core Topics (E. Smith, Winsteps), www.statistics.com |
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